Sep 23, 2013

Week in Review (September 16 - 22, 2013)

I'm pretty sure that this is something I haven't mentioned on the blog before, but this is one thing that I have been plugging away at all year long. What am I talking about? Well, one of my goals this year was to complete the 13 in 2013 Challenge. That is to complete 13 races of any distance this year. You can also do a set distance, but I chose to do a variety of distances including 5K, 10K, 10 miles and half marathon. So far, I have completed nine of the 13 runs. You can see what I've done to date on my Race Results + Recaps page.

That means I have four more runs left to reach my goal, but I went a little overboard and have eight more runs on the schedule. I had better not sign up for anymore! This is partly due to the fact that I accidentally signed up for a series instead of one race back in May, so by the end of the year, I'll finish another four 5K's, one 10K and three half marathons. Most of them are virtual so they won't be officially timed.

The weather in DC is finally comfortable and I have been enjoying being outdoors more. This is what the week looked like. I'm still having fun with the Brazil Butt Lift DVDs and put in some runs this week after my week off.

Monday: Brazil Butt Lift (BBL) - Sculpt (50 minutes)
Tuesday: BBL - High & Tight (35 minutes) and Tummy Tuck (20 minutes) + ran 3.1 miles
Wednesday: rest
Thursday: BBL - Sculpt (50 minutes)
Friday: BBL - Cardio Axe (30 minutes)
Saturday: BBL - Sculpt (50 minutes) + walked 4 miles
Sunday: ran 5 miles

Total yoga this week: 0 times
Total mileage this week: 8.1 miles
Total mileage this year: 279.63 miles

Happy Monday!

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