Dec 26, 2016

Pregnant with Twins - Week 22

Merry Christmas everyone! Another week! It feels like time is flying but also like we have a ways to go. Three more months until babies are here!

Dec 19, 2016

Pregnant with Twins - Week 21

We forgot to take a bump photo this week! Whoops! But we had quite the eventful week.

I got to see the babies again, and I have been getting more and more uncomfortable.

Dec 15, 2016

River of Lights at ABQ BioPark Botanic Garden

Celebrating its 20th year, Albuquerque's River of Lights was recently named one of The 15 Most Spectacular Holiday Light Displays in the U.S. by MSN. Last weekend, hubby and I decided at the last minute to visit the holiday display for the first time. It was relatively warm (in the mid-40s) and we wanted to get out of the house for a bit.

Dec 12, 2016

Pregnant with Twins - Week 20

20 weeks!! If I were having a "normal/singleton" pregnancy, this would mark the traditional halfway point. Even though we passed the halfway point some weeks ago, I still feel like this is a special milestone week for us. It took us so long to get here. 

Not much changed this week.

Symptoms: Frequent nose bleeds, back pain, trouble sleeping, digestive issues, aches and pains. Trouble bending over. Can't see my toes anymore when I'm standing up straight.

Babies' size: Banana

Appetite: Same as usual except I have been craving sweets and sandwiches. Bring me all the carbs! 

Dec 5, 2016

Pregnant with Twins - Week 19

Symptoms: Frequent nose bleeds, back pain, trouble sleeping, digestive issues.

Babies' size: Mango 

Appetite: Same as last week.