Jun 13, 2017

Motherhood with Twins: The First Three Months

The first three months of my twins' lives have come and gone. I cannot believe it has flown by so quickly. If the next three months go by just as quickly, they will be approaching their first birthday before I know it!

I decided that I'm not going to post their names or photos on this blog, so I will be referring to them by their first initials Baby R and Baby G. I wanted to share with you some of my experiences during the last three months, and hopefully, some of you can relate to what I have to share or it might help you in the future.


As I mentioned before, the boys were born at 32 weeks. Immediately after birth, they were whisked away with daddy to the NICU. I was taken to the recovery room with only a glimpse of their little faces and bodies. It would be a full day before I would get to see them again and even longer before I got to hold each of them.

Seeing them in their isolettes with so many wires and the noise of the beeping monitors was a very traumatic experience. It felt like I did something wrong for them to have such a rough start at life.

Jun 6, 2017

6 Year Anniversary Weekend

This weekend marked our sixth wedding anniversary. Husband and I were able to spend some quality time together while the grandparents (his mom and stepdad) watched the little nuggets.

On Friday night, we attended the First Friday ARTScrawl, which is citywide. We started in Old Town visiting several galleries and then ended in Downtown for more galleries and then dinner.