Dec 12, 2016

Pregnant with Twins - Week 20

20 weeks!! If I were having a "normal/singleton" pregnancy, this would mark the traditional halfway point. Even though we passed the halfway point some weeks ago, I still feel like this is a special milestone week for us. It took us so long to get here. 

Not much changed this week.

Symptoms: Frequent nose bleeds, back pain, trouble sleeping, digestive issues, aches and pains. Trouble bending over. Can't see my toes anymore when I'm standing up straight.

Babies' size: Banana

Appetite: Same as usual except I have been craving sweets and sandwiches. Bring me all the carbs! 
Workouts/weight gain: My hospital has free prenatal yoga classes several times a month, so I have been taking advantage of going when I can. I always feel so much better afterwards. I did two sessions of prenatal yoga this week, one at home and one at the hospital. I also walked a total of 5.68 miles. I've gained about another two pounds at this point. 12 pounds total. 

Medical: My back has been seriously causing me a lot of pain, so I finally went to the chiropractor this week. The chiropractor uses a miss of gentle adjustments and massage therapy. I felt completely different after my appointment. 

Happenings: Not a ton on this front. We are still trying to convert the office into the nursery by getting everything out of that room. Hubby's desk is still in there at this point because we need help getting it out. Hopefully, that will happen this week. 

We also received our cribs, crib mattresses and mattress covers this week, but there are still waiting to be set up. 

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