May 29, 2013

How this Newbie is Gearing Up for TBEX 2013

TBEX 2013 

In just a few days, I will be traveling to Toronto to attend my first travel blogging conference and my second blogging conference.

There are two main reasons why I am hoping to get more out of TBEX than I got out of BlogHer 2012.

  • It's much smaller. TBEX recently surpassed 1,000 registrants, making it the largest TBEX in history. In contrast, BlogHer 2012 was the largest BlogHer ever with 5,000 attendees. It's no wonder I felt lost in the crowd and lost in general.
  • It's more niche. While attendees will certainly have their own niches within the travel niche, we are all, at the most basic level, travel bloggers. BlogHer is a conference for women bloggers. With such a broad audience, what that seemed to be interpreted as was that women bloggers = mommy bloggers. No offense to mommy bloggers or companies wanting to work with mommy bloggers, but some women bloggers aren't mommies and if they are mommies, not all of them are mommy bloggers. I found that many of the people I met at BlogHer and the sessions/events I attended didn't align with what my blog is about. I am hoping the sessions and key notes at TBEX will be much more relevant to me and my blog. More importantly, I am hoping the people I meet will be individuals who I can relate to and can relate to my blog.
To prepare for my trip, I've been doing the usual research I do when visiting a new city, but I have also been utilizing content on TBEX's blog to get myself and my blog ready. Here are some of the posts that I have found most useful:


Social Media:



My new business cards arrived in the mail and I am partially packed and ready to go. Can't wait to tell you about my trip to TBEX and Toronto! 

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