Jul 1, 2014

Empty House

My last day in DC has come and gone. I will try to update you on some other fun things I was able to do before I left. Moving day was an absolute disaster and so incredibly stressful. I spent one whole night in Albuquerque before Raisin Bread and I flew out to Los Angeles for my friend's wedding.

We are back "home" now. As a first time homeowner, things have been much more difficult than I was expecting. The house needs a lot more work than we thought it would. The seller did absolutely no cleaning. I would not be surprised if she did not pick up a broom since we put in the offer. On top of that, our water heater broke on Sunday! Despite all of this, I must say that the house has a lot of potential. It is going to take some time, a lot of elbow grease and some money. Maybe in a year, it will actually be what we want it to be!

The empty living room

Our belongings have also not arrived yet since they just left Arlington on Thursday. I am sure that once we get our things, it will start to feel more like home.

Now, I have to get back to scrubbing down the bathrooms!

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