Feb 6, 2017

Pregnant with Twins - Weeks 27 and 28

Last week was so busy that I missed my weekly update so you get two weeks in one today! We are officially in the third trimester! I can't believe it. 

Babies' size: Cauliflower (week 27) and eggplants (week 28)

Symptoms: Entering the third trimester has not been kind to me. I am having tons of new symptoms that I haven't experienced since the first trimester: from fatigue to frequent urination, swelling feet and ankles and trouble sleeping. One of the worst new symptoms is shortness of breath. I am having trouble walking the pups on a daily basis and even standing for an extended period of time. 

I've been able to combat a couple of the symptoms. The painful swelling is eased by putting my feet up and doing "legs up the wall." The shortness of breath is helped by stopping what I'm doing and sitting or laying down. 

Appetite: I have not been having any cravings or felt any increase in my appetite. I am just trying to eat small meals and several snacks throughout the day. I have found that if I eat regular or large-sized meals that I feel incredibly uncomfortable afterwards. Eating smaller portions throughout the day has helped me. 

Workouts/weight gain: I walked 5 miles in the last two weeks, and I'm up to 24 pounds of weight gain. I think it is going to be tougher and tougher for me to workout as my pregnancy progresses. 

Medical: I had my 28 week OB visit. Everything went fine except that they are trying to figure out if my blood pressure is going to be an issue. It was very high when they did the first reading. I had to lay down and then they did a second reading, which was normal. They ordered some lab tests to check to see if I need to be more closely monitored. 

Happenings: In addition to our baby shower last week, we took some maternity photos in one of our local parks. We didn't want to hire a photographer since having twins is a little expensive, so my sister graciously agreed to take the photos for us. Thanks, sister! 

Hubby's mom and stepdad stayed on for a couple of days after the baby shower, and they did so much for us! They put together the nursery dresser. The dresser's height was a few inches shorter than ideal for changing babies, so they also built a riser underneath the dresser to bring it up to a better height. They also put together our glider, stroller and other gifts and installed a shelf above the dresser/changing station. The nursery is coming together and it looks so adorable!

They also installed a countertop for our laundry room, which we have been putting off so long. This is one item that definitely would not have been done if it weren't for them! We are so grateful for their help and the generosity of their time! 

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